YTMicro Officially Releases Production Version of AUTOSAR MCAL Driver Software and Configuration Tools
Recently, Jiangsu Yuntu Microelectronics Co., Ltd. (YTMicro for short) officially released the production version of its AUTOSAR MCAL driver software (YTMicro MCAL) and configuration tool (YCT), with the RTM v1.1.0 version now available. This version has been fully developed by YTMicro’s Application Engineering (AE) team and marks a major milestone in the development of YTMicro’s AUTOSAR software ecosystem for automotive-grade MCUs. It signifies YTMicro’s strong technical capabilities in AUTOSAR software development.As one of the few domestic MCU R&D teams capable of fully developing both MCAL and configuration tools independently, the release of YTMicro MCAL and YCT enables YTMicro’s application and software teams to serve our customers faster and more efficiently.
AUTOSAR, which stands for Automotive Open System Architecture, is a global standard for automotive software architecture. YTMicro is one of the few domestic semiconductor companies to join the AUTOSAR alliance as a Development Partner for automotive MCUs, with Vendor ID 180 (0xB4).
YTMicro MCAL strictly adheres to the relevant AUTOSAR specifications, including the AUTOSAR
CP v4.4 MCAL SWS and SRS standards, as well as BSW General requirements.
1. Agile Development: The development process employs agile tools such as GIT to ensure efficient and flexible development.
2. Unit and Integration Testing: Complete unit testing and component/integration testing were conducted using Tessy.
3. Static Code Testing: All MCAL driver code underwent static code analysis using Helix QAC, covering MISRA-C 2012 and ensuring consistency with AUTOSAR naming conventions.
The MCAL modules covered in this version:
The YTMicro MCAL software package RTM v1.1.0 includes driver code for the on-chip peripheral modules of the YTM32B1MEx MCU, as well as example code for the corresponding stub modules required by the MCAL driver modules, such as Det, Dem, CanIf, LinIf, EcuC, and EcuM.
The driver code in this release version covers almost all standardized MCAL modules. Additionally, the driver code for the DMA and I2C modules is provided in the form of Complex Device Drivers (CDD).
The driver modules in this release come with comprehensive documentation, sample projects, and test reports:
· User Manual (UM)
· Sample Project (Demo Project)
· Unit Test Report
· Component/Integration Test Report
· MISRA-C 2012 Rule Check Report (Static Code Test Report)
Supported MCU Models:
Software Requirements/Support:
· MCAL Driver Configuration and Code Generation Tool:
YTMicro Config Tool (YCT) v1.8.0 or later
· Compiler Toolchain/IDE:
o GCC: GNU GCC v9.2 or later
o Keil/MDK: ARM Keil/MDK v5.36 or later
o IAR: IAR v8.2 or later
o VS Code: Microsoft Visual Studio Code IDE v1.76 or later (C/C++ support, GNU toolchain, CMake v3.25, Ninja, and Cortex-Debug extensions installation required)
· Debugger:
o J-LINK: SEGGER JLINK v6.96 or later (YTMicro YTM32B1ME0 patch/support package installation required)
o Ozone Debugger Tool: SEGGER Ozone v3.28 or later
Hardware Requirements/Support:
· Debugger: J-LINK v9.2 or later with YTMicro YTM32B1ME0 patch (support package) installed
YTMicro MCAL Software Package RTM v1.1.0 Usage:
· Standalone as MCU Peripheral Low-Level Driver (LLD) + FreeRTOS/Bare Metal Applications
· Used with BSW, RTE, and ASW to develop complete AUTOSAR applications
To better support customers in developing complete AUTOSAR software applications, YTMicro MCAL has partnered with domestic and international third-party AUTOSAR ecosystem software providers across the supply chain, including Vector, Neusoft Ruichi, Chengdu Daowei (Beijing Xino), and Puhua & Hengrun, to collaborate on BSW (Basic Software) adaptation.
YTMicro Config Tool (YCT), as the graphical configuration tool for YTMicro MCAL, not only supports parameter configuration, verification, and code generation for MCAL drivers, but also facilitates the import and export of configuration results in the ARXML (AUTOSAR configuration result standard file format). This allows for seamless adaptation of AUTOSAR BSW and RTE/ASW integration with third-party AUTOSAR software vendor tools.
At the same time, YCT serves as the graphical configuration tool for YTMicro SDK, supporting the direct generation of MCAL and SDK application projects. This greatly enhances the efficiency of MCAL and SDK configuration, significantly shortening the automotive application software development cycle based on YTMicro automotive-grade MCUs.
AUTOSAR (AUTOmotive Open System Architecture), established in 2003, brings together more than 300 leading global automotive manufacturers, component suppliers, as well as companies from the electronics, semiconductor, and software industries. It is an industry partnership focused on creating unified standards for the software interfaces and software modules used in automotive electronic control systems.
As one of the most influential organizations in the automotive electronic software standards field, AUTOSAR is committed to promoting standardization to achieve reliability, scalability, and maintainability. The organization develops general specifications, architectures, and methodologies necessary for building reliable automotive systems. Its goal is to establish an open, standardized system architecture for automotive electronic control units (ECUs). AUTOSAR's standards cover a wide range of areas, including automotive operating systems, communication, memory management, diagnostics, network management, calibration, hardware adaptation, software flashing, and functional safety.
AUTOSAR's Vision and Mission:
· Paving the Way for Innovative Electronic Systems
· A Strong Global Partnership
· Managing the Growing Complexity of Electrical/Electronic Systems
· Facilitating Software and Hardware Exchange and Updates Throughout Vehicle Life